Robíme úžasné firmy lepšími

Sme skupina nadšených a talentovaných dizajnérov, developerov a tvorcov obsahu v rôznych oblastiach a sme tu, aby sme rozšírili a rozšírili kód Minervy v oblasti umenia a kreativity.

V Minerva Visuals dodávame zmysluplné skúsenosti so značkou pre najambicióznejšie spoločnosti v rôznych oblastiach

Od rebrandingu firiem cez web dizajn, UI/UX, webový vývoj, komerčného fotografovania, grafického dizajnu cez tlač sme multi-disciplinárne dizajnové štúdio ktoré nikdy nespí na vavrínoch a neustále zvyšuje latku vo všetkom, čo robí.

Konzultácia zadarmo

Meet our amazing team

We are a group of enthusiastic and talented Architects, Designers, Developers and Content Creators in various fields and are gathered to grow and spread the "Minerva code" in the field of Customer Experience with a Creative approach!

At Minerva Visuals we deliver meaningful Brand Experience for the most ambitious companies in various fields.

Data/CDP Integrations, UI / UX, Web/Software Development and Creative Media Production. We are a multi-disciplinary Creative-and-Tech-Studio that never sleeps on its laurels and constantly raises the Benchmark in everything it attends to!

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Our Ethos

Clients are FRIENDS

All your problems, are OURS

RESPONSIBILITY is our daily practice

Only digital talents TAKE CARE of your project

Expect CREATIVE THINKING, creativity and problem solving

We are a SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT for Creativity and Tech.